Goldman Sachs making healthy recovery

New York-based bank Goldman Sachs is expected to announce profits for the March-June period of up to $2 billion, according to industry analysts.  It will mark an impressive return to health for the bank, which improved on its $2.12 billion loss in the final quarter of last year with a first-quarter profit of $1.66 billion in 2009. The firm is said to have rebounded mainly because of its trading prowess across world markets. During the second quarter, Goldman was able to repay $10 billion in government loans and raised $8.9 billion in equity, debt and asset sales. Industry insiders say that Goldman has the most sophisticated risk management procedures on Wall Street, putting it in a stronger position than some of its rivals. Speculation has now begun as to whether the strong profits will translate into healthy bonuses for staff. Goldman is a dominant player in high-frequency trading, based on computer-generated formulas, which has accounted for more than 73 percent of stock-trading volume in the US this year, up from 59 percent in 2008. JPMorgan Chase and other big banks are expected to report strong second-quarter profits as well this week, also based primarily on robust trading results.┬á *┬á┬á┬á┬á┬á┬á *┬á┬á┬á┬á┬á┬á *